Training and Installation Charges
Different dealerships have differing needs regarding training and installation, therefore ACS has priced its software without installation and training so that we can tailor your training to your needs.  Some dealers also find it necessary to have additional training after the installation when new employees are hired. ACS is happy to provide these services to you. If you wish to schedule additional training, simply print out this fee schedule, sign it at the bottom, and fax it to ACS. An ACS representative will call and schedule a time that is convenient to you.
Item Description Price Quantity Extended
Mileage Charge
Distance one way from Royal, Arkansas to dealership.
Hotel and Per Diem Expenese.
Charged for each round trip over 6 hours or night spent out.
Per Hour Hardware Configuration Charges
Includes all time at the dealership configuring hardware.
Per Hour Data Analysis Charges
Includes all time at the dealership analyzing or converting your data.
Per Hour Training Charges
Includes all time at the dealership not previously categorized.
Please enter an estimate of the number of hours of training you will need and contact ACS for estimates on the mileage and per diem charges that will be billed.
I understand that I will be billed based upon the fee structure specified above and request that ACS or an ACS authorized representative travel to my dealership to provide additional training, data analysis, or hardware configuration as needed.
Dealerhsip Phone
Contact Name Title
Signature Date

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